Microfiber Vegan Leather
With the successfully in simulation of the interwoven fiber structure of natural leather, microfiber leather not only achieves superior form and quality but also helps customer overcome most of the disadvantages of cowhide such as high cost and materials loss, difficulty in sewing, preserving, or cleaning, etc.

Raw material cost savings
The cost of microfiber leather is at least 30% lower than real leather with similar quality.

Increase in cutting efficiency and productivity
Microfiber leather is produced in rolls to size. This advantage makes it easy to cut materials with machines, and the cutting productivity increases by more than 30 times, helping to save the most on labor costs.

Exceptional appearance & quality
With many excellent properties like lighter, durable, high abrasion and tear strength, it is comparable to high-grade real leather, with almost the same appearance.

Minimal material loss
Material loss when using microfiber leather is only 1-3%.

Ease in storing and cleaning
The material can be stored in normal temperature & humidity for a long time without having any problems of mildews, color fading, or peeling. That helps decrease costs of material storages and defects remarkably..

No heavy metals or hazardous substances to human health and the environment are used in the production process or contained in the finished materials.